Sunday, August 7, 2011


Well, as you can tell, I recently changed the layout of the blog, my chicks were waaay cuter than the ones in the background.  I still have to play around with it a little bit, maybe I can figure out how to change the picture to some of my own chickens...We'll see though.

The metal home decor business isn't going as well as we had hoped.  But I think we're nearing the end of the season, so we'll see how things go from here.

One of my friends at work is buying her first house!  I am very happy for her and very jealous at the same time, but it is very good for her, and I think the house she found should be really good for her!  :)  Its kind of funny, she is living with her parents too, so we often have the same sort of issues, so its a little easier to complain to her.  Congrats! 

I'm getting my title license here soon, had to go into get my fingerprints taken last week because I'm a moron and didn't do it when they offered it to me after I took my test.  Oh well, its done and I think I'll finally be licensed!  Bonus!  It should make me a little more valuable at work too, so that's nice.

Well, bedtime!  xoxo

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