Friday, November 15, 2013

Precious birds...and mini tractor pulls!

Well, its that time of year!  Thanksgiving!  So that means its time for me to bring out my Thanksgiving decorations!  YAY!  One of my good friends in Utah made me this last year!  We call it an owl-urkey because its supposed to be a turkey, but it kind of looks more like an owl!
And I have these awesome Lego turkeys that we got for free with some things we bought from Lego a few years ago!  Awesome!!!
There you have it!  Those are all my Thanksgiving decorations!  haha!  I kind of like, though, how little I decorate!   I have some Lego Christmas houses that I'm planning on building on Thanksgiving this year, so those will go out in December! And those should be my only Christmas decorations, I think.  I'm not sure if we will have a tree or if I will make a paper tree or maybe we just won't do anything.  I haven't decided yet! :) I really really want a Lego nativity scene though, I think that would be really fun!  I'll have to see if I can find plans to build one.

Well, we figured out how my little chickens are getting out of the fenced area.
Silly chickens....but how can you say no to this sweet little face?
Also!!! 4 of my hens are laying eggs now!  We got our first bantam egg a few days ago!  Its soooo precious and small!
Here are all eggs from my hens...Bantam on the left, red sex link in the middle, and one of our brown leghorns on the right! Yay!
We've already gotten quite a few eggs this week!  The consistency is kind of weird though.  We get an egg from a chicken every other day!  So, one day we'll get one red sex link egg and then the next day we'll get all 3!  Its kind of funny how they alternate!  But, I'll take it!  Love eggs and they are so good!  I don't think I'll have to buy eggs ever again!  YAY!!!  We've already got 9 this week, so it'll be crazy when they all start laying!

We went with some friends a couple of weekends ago to a farm toy show over in Dyersville, IA. Dyersville is where they filmed the movie "Field of Dreams"!!  The old house is still there and the ball field is very well cared for!  It looks just like in the movie!  Very cool!  Anyway, we saw some pretty cool stuff there, tons and tons of toys!  We also saw some pretty cool tractor pull stuff! These are some pictures that I took in that area!  I think its put on by the national mini tractor association or something like that.  But, they do some mini tractor pulls!  Here are a few of them up close...
Here is the cute little sled they use for those pulls, they are real heavy weights and they use a tape measure to measure the distance that the mini tractor pulls it!  Cute!
Here's a picture of people fixing and tweaking their machines...its a huge deal!
Right next door to there was a kids tractor pull!  Isn't it cute? One of our friends' kids did it and he got first place!!!  Only out of two 5 year old kids, but its still really exciting!!!  Its pretty cool to watch that kind of stuff!!
Something we thought was funny, in general.  We went to a real tractor pull a few months ago with my brother in law and there weren't many John Deere tractors in it...there was a lot of red tractors. :) Very interesting!  It was still really, really cool!
Well, better get ready for work!

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