Thursday, February 13, 2014

Goodies and Treatmaking...

Well, it has been quite a while since I last posted something...I am so sorry!
As far as updates, I'm finishing up my 4th week of my first semester back into school.  So far so good, I think.  Some of the classes are pretty lame, but that's to be expected, others are pretty interesting!  I'm still working at the same grocery store bakery, packaging wonderful deliciousness a little bit each week, and in order to get more hours, I've started bouncing departments, so I'll spend some time in the Health Market department and some in the Bakery.  I think the health market part suits me a little better because I spent 3 and a half years working at the health food store in Utah, so I have lots of experience with those products (the health market is mostly organic stuff and weird stuff like that).  It is really okay that I don't get too many hours, I have a lot of homework to do and hubby and I have been busy building some stuff.  Also, yesterday I had a regular orthodontist appointment, he checked the braces out and all looks good...AAAAAAAAND...we scheduled the date to get MY BRACES OFF!!!!  The special day will be May 14!!!  YAAAY!!! Happy anniversary and birthdays to us!! :) I've got my list of things I'm going to eat when they are off all ready! Yay!
Hubby is doing really good, he's been working hard!  I think right now he is working on Feller Bunchers...I don't know much about what he's doing with that, but there we are. :)

So, here are some pictures and recipes of things that I've been making....YUM!! Brace yourself, there is a lot of deliciousness coming your way.... hehe! (yes, I should be doing homework instead of posting these.... and if anyone wants the recipes for these post a comment in the comments and I'll put it up).
Okay...first, I made some soft pretzels!  They were pretty good!!  We added some wheat flour to make them a little bit healthier!  I think they might even be low carb, but I can't remember exactly. 
OH MY GOSH.  These are Swedish Pancakes.  Similar to German pancakes but they are a bit different.  I love these sooooo much.  I think I made them 3 times last week!!!  The recipe is so simple too!  (Yes, I've almost memorized it...)  I half the recipe, which then makes 2 servings and I can eat the whole pan with no leftovers...haha!  YUM!  I added cinnamon to it too so you get that beautiful little crust and added flavor on top...ah man..I should have had that for breakfast today instead of toast and a banana....
With....homemade maple syrup!  I've never made homemade maple syrup before now, but I don't think I'll go back to regular.  And I finally got to use the adorable little pitcher I got from Ikea before we moved (sad that its a little chipped...).
It is soo good though, and I love how thin it is, I feel like it goes a lot further than regular Mrs. Butterworth does.  And I feel like it has more flavor too...This recipe calls for 1 cup of granulated sugar, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of water and 1 Tablespoon of maple flavoring.  So easy and Yum!  It makes about 2 cups of syrup.  A friend of mine's mom uses the same recipe but adds another cup of water to the recipe, not a bad idea.  Plus it would make the syrup go further! :) I might do that next time!
I also made some bread-sticks.  I deviated from my usual bread-stick recipe to try these "olive garden" bread-sticks.  They were pretty good, we really liked the texture of these but I felt like my other recipe has more flavor.  So a week or so later I tried them again and added basil, Parmesan cheese and some other stuff to them and they were pretty good!  They may not look too appealing, but they were good!
OH...and cinnamon rolls.  YUM-O!  I got this recipe for quick and easy cinnamon rolls from a friend and have made them a couple of times so far.  The recipe for icing that came with it though, I wasn't too sure about.  Before now, I haven't really met an icing recipe that I liked that didn't taste like powdered sugar.  I found this recipe for icing with another cinnamon roll recipe that I really liked!  So I used friend's cinnamon roll dough recipe and my new favorite icing recipe.
The icing calls for cream cheese, hot water, butter, powdered sugar and vanilla (I think..), it is really good!  BUT...if you can hold yourself back and possibly wait...they taste better the next day! So...really, if your like us, what you can do is eat a bunch that day and then eat the rest the following day. Yep, I think you should do that. 
And finally....chocolate frosted peanut butter bars.  Yes! I believe the recipe I followed is supposed to resemble the peanut butter bars many of us got when we were in school back in the good old days.  Oh...they're so delicious.  I think my peanut butter cookie could have been a bit thinner, so maybe next time I make them I will split the dough up between two pans.  
I put them in the freezer after a few days when I realized we wouldn't be able to eat them all before they went bad, so we've got some in the freezer!  Yum.
What deliciousness have you been making lately? :)