Sunday, September 1, 2013

Garden update: near the end...

Real quick because we are getting set up for Lego Labor day!  I usually go shopping in Park City, Utah with my mother in law and sisters in law, but since we moved we are unable to participate this year.  Which is really sad, I really miss it this year!  :) This year, however, I think we are going to play with legos instead.  Which I am really excited for because it has been a very long time! Yay!

Here is the overall garden.  I'm not proud.  I did not weed like I thought I would, its pretty cool that we got what we got out of it!

 Here is the watermelon patch, we got probably 6-7 out of it this year!  Sweet!
Here is how I found out how to tell if they were ripe...If the tendril is brown, and not green, it should be ripe!  The tendril is that little tiny random stem that is nearest the part that attaches to the watermelon.  It is that little tiny branchy thing at the top of the overall watermelon to the kind of left that's brown.  Wish I could draw on the picture...
This one is green...follow the stem that attaches to the watermelon to the right to where it bends and you'll see the tiny random stem coming out.  That is what is green and should turn brown when ripe.
 Here is the watermelon plants to the right, I think the grass overtook it.  :( Totally my fault.
 Check out the raspberry plants!  The one went kind of crazy!!  Awesome!
 And look at what I found the other day on each branch of the crazy one!
Again...HOLY COW!  I'm so excited!  Looks like we'll hopefully have more than 2 raspberries from the plants this year! yay!!
The strawberries filled the pots and have been putting out bunches of starters...thinking of picking them and saving them, but I don't know how to do that...
 And, picked all the carrots and the rest of the watermelons...
The only thing left in the garden is tomatoes...and I might call them done, too.  Unless the spaghetti sauce I'm going to try is good. The salsa I tried wasn't very good, and I don't think that we like fresh salsa, regardless of the recipe.  I'll post about the salsa next time as well as my first attempt at homemade cinnamon rolls! ;)

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