Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chicken adventures: Happy Hatch Day!!!

Well, today the chicks are one month old!  Happy Hatch Day!!!!  But first, something I don't think I have ever seen before!  I was making some chocolate chip cookies (YUM), cracked an egg in the bowl and found: A double yolker!  And, no, I'm not yolking!!!! ...I know, lame joke, but I couldn't resist! :)  Neat, huh?  You can kind of see the crease between them where they didn't separate properly...interesting!
And yes, I was so excited I had to take a picture.

On to the precious chick pics.  I thought it would be fun to compare them from when they were chicks, just a few days old, and today - which these pics were actually taken today!!  Here is a pile of newbie chicks in one of hubby's hands and today, here is a standard bank box with all 22 chicks in it.

Red sex link (the yellow baby chick on the right) and the red sex link today in the middle.  I was afraid she wouldn't have any red fill in because she was all yellow until the last several days.
(In memory of Marsha as well)

Blue cochin...

Red cochin...

Golden laced cochin...(little chicks-she's the most up front one with the red on her head).  Also, can you see on the today picture that her little wattles are starting to come in?

Buff brahmas...

Little boy blue cochin and partridge cochins...(left to right)
         (and the partridge cochins today...)

And finally (at least I think I got everybody)...
The brown leghorns...

I can't believe how big they have all gotten, and in only one month!  Its amazing!  They have already tried gotten out of the run thing outside several times.  Funnily enough, they climb up the chicken wire to get to the top.  We were outside working on the chicken coop last night (we actually got pretty far!) and one of the brown leghorns got clean out of the thing and started running around free.  And...because I am the motherly chicken mother that I am, I couldn't let her just run around free like that.  So we put her back in the pen with the rest of the family.

Well...I thought I had something else to say, but I can't remember...Oh well.  :) (sorry about the formatting of the pics, it didn't turn out like I would have hoped)

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